"Chef d’orchestre with passion for Le Patrimoine Français"
Why Cabinet van Keulen?
You are the proud owner of a beautiful château, belle demeure de caractère. Immaculate after the inevitable and desired adaptions.
Cabinet van Keulen offers you preparation and execution of a restoration or renovation combined with projectmanagement, interior design and decoration.
How does it work?
Phase 1 - Your ideas are being discussed and plans are being made for a restoration or renovation. This is about the restoration of facades, windows and French windows, roofing. About the re-layout of a building. About functions, what is to put where and what size in m2. New openings in facades for windows or French windows for more light. An extension for a conservatory. A real library. A barn-conversion for a summer kitchen. An intimate concert hall. Pool and poolhouse.
Question is also how does it show. What will be the style or is the existing style leading. Do we have tommettes on the floor and do we want to see more or are we going to put in parquet in place. Batton rompu in oak. How to cover a wall? Wallpaper, pierres apparentes, paint, boiseries, tiling in bathrooms. Kitchen style modern or country. Not unimportant, lighting. Finishing later on with decoration, furniture, curtains, carpets, art.
Phase 2 - Budget. Quotes are being asked by Cabinet van Keulen from all craftsman involved. From stonemasons, plumbers and carpenters to cabinetmakers and stains glass artists.
Phase 3 - When there is an obligation to get a building permit, Permis de Construire, always with complex restauration or renovation in buildings with a habitable space > 150m2, you need an architect. Cabinet van Keulen collaborates with architects in this matter.
Phase 4 - Execution. Cabinet van Keulen will oversee your restoration or renovation with the local craftsman engaged. It gives you peace of mind and makes your live easier, especially if you are not able to be present. And you have only to deal with one person. Cabinet van Keulen updates you regularly with text and photos.
Historical Monuments
HM need a special approach. For a restauration you need a building permit, delivered by the ABF, Architectes de Bâtiments de France. ABF works on departmentlevel and is part of the Ministry of Culture.
An architect prepares and submits the building permit for validation by the ABF. Cabinet van Keulen knows the procedures and is involved as the representative of the owner.
Help in the buying process - estimating the quality of a building
Buying a property is great fun, but not easy. Assessing the condition of a building is not a matter for a real estate broker. Cabinet van Keulen can also help in the process of buying a property. We can assess the condition of a building and the consequences and defects. In this phase we can already look at the possibilities and costs of a restoration or renovation.
Who we are
In 2007 Eric van Keulen has created Cabinet van Keulen in France after a long experience in the same business in the Netherlands. Many of the projects deal with complex and comprehensive restoration or renovations with budgets ranging from €100.000 up to more than €2 million.
We are active in Gascony in the south-west of France. Based in the south of the Lot et Garonne, Cabinet van Keulen covers the Gers (32) and the Lot and Garonne (47). Also projects possible in other departments on request.